Ellis Act Evictions in Beverly Grove

NBC recently featured a story about 18 families being evicted under the Ellis Act from their apartments in order for the owner to build an eleven town homes. The story is Beverly Grove Residents Face Eviction. The Ellis Act is increasingly being used in Los Angeles to make way for new developments. The Ellis Act […]

Q & A Regarding Ellis Act Evictions

89.3 KPCC recently posted a questions and answer article regarding tenant’s rights under the Ellis Act. The article is informative for both landlords and tenants because it outlines what occurs during an eviction under the Ellis Act in the City of Los Angeles. The article is relevant for owners and tenants in units subject to […]

Ellis Act Evictions on the Rise in Los Angeles

KPCC is confirming that evictions under the Ellis Act are on the rise in Los Angeles. The Ellis Act allows landlords to get out of the rental business. It is usually used for condominium conversions and demolishing old units to make new condo units. In Los Angeles, in addition to the provisions of Government Code […]

How Old Hollywood is Getting Evicted by New Hollywood

The L.A.  Times recently wrote about the eviction of tenants at Villa Carlotta, a Hollywood landmark located on Franklin Avenue. In addition to enforcement of rent due dates and other rental agreement provisions, the last tenants who paid their rent on time and did not breach any rental agreement terms are being evicted through the […]

What is the Ellis Act?

The Ellis Act is a California law that allows landlords to get out of the rental business by taking their rental units off the market. The Ellis Act prohibits local governments from requiring a landlord to continue to rent apartment units, although local governments could enact regulations to control how landlords do so. Generally, the […]

Los Angeles Rent Stabilization Ordinance and Ellis Act Evictions

The Los Angeles Times reported a growing trend as the real estate market heats up and construction increases, evictions under California’s Ellis Act. Evictions from rent-controlled units on the rise in L.A provides a glimpse into non-fault evictions where a tenant is simply evicted because the landlord desires to remove the rental unit from the rental market. […]