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Mechanics’ Lien Lawyer Glendale, CA

Resolve your Glendale mechanic's lien swiftly

Launching a business involves crucial decisions on structure, compliance, and future prosperity. That’s where Marinaccio Law comes into play. With a thorough grasp of local regulations and personalized solutions, our business formation attorney guides you through the complexities of starting a business, ensuring a strong legal footing for your venture.

Let us support you in realizing your business goals and turning your vision into a thriving reality.

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Why Choose Marinaccio Law for Mechanics’ Lien Matters in Glendale?

Launching a business involves crucial decisions on structure, compliance, and future prosperity. That’s where Marinaccio Law comes into play. With a thorough grasp of local regulations and personalized solutions, our business formation attorney guides you through the complexities of starting a business, ensuring a strong legal footing for your venture.

Let us support you in realizing your business goals and turning your vision into a thriving reality.

Proven Expertise

Our Glendale mechanic's lien lawyers possess deep knowledge and extensive experience in all aspects of mechanic's lien law. We've successfully resolved numerous cases for contractors, subcontractors, and property owners, ensuring their rights are protected and their interests are served.

Local Presence

We're not just another law firm; we're proud members of the Glendale community. We understand the local construction landscape, legal complexities, and court procedures specific to Glendale, giving you a distinct advantage in your case.

Personalized Attention

We believe in building strong relationships with our clients. You won't be treated as just another case number. We take the time to understand your case, concerns, and goals, tailoring our strategies to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

Proven Track Record

Our success speaks for itself. We have a proven track record of securing favorable outcomes for our clients, whether through negotiation, mediation, or litigation. We'll fight tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Competitive Rates

We offer competitive rates and flexible fee structures to fit your budget. We believe legal representation shouldn't be a financial burden, and we're committed to providing affordable solutions.

Key Mechanics’ Lien Services Offered

Facing a mechanics’ lien issue in Glendale? We offer comprehensive legal services to handle every aspect, ensuring your rights are protected and your best interests are served. Whether you’re a contractor, subcontractor, or property owner, our experienced Glendale mechanics’ lien lawyers can assist you with:

  • Mechanics’ Lien Filing and Enforcement
    • Drafting and filing mechanics’ liens carefully following deadlines and legal requirements.
    • Investigating property ownership and title complexities to ensure lien validity.
    • Serving notices to all necessary parties according to legal protocols.
    • Negotiating with property owners and contractors to secure payment without litigation.
    • Litigating mechanics’ lien claims in court when necessary, and aggressively advocating for your rights.
  • Mechanics’ Lien Defense
    • Evaluating the validity of mechanics’ lien claims against your property.
    • Negotiating with lien holders to reach a favorable resolution.
    • Challenging the basis of the lien claim in court when necessary.
    • Seeking dismissal or reduction of the lien amount through legal arguments.
    • Protecting your property title from wrongful enforcement actions.
  • Bond Claims
    • Analyzing construction contracts and bonds to determine lien feasibility.
    • Filing and pursuing bond claims when mechanics’ liens are unavailable.
    • Negotiating with bonding companies to secure payment.
    • Litigating bond claims in court to enforce your rights.
  • Dispute Resolution
    • Mediating mechanics’ lien disputes to find fair and friendly solutions through facilitated negotiation.
    • Providing legal representation in arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes.
    • Litigating mechanics’ lien disputes in court when a mutually agreeable resolution cannot be reached.
  • Additional Services
    • Preventive measures: We advise on contract drafting, payment structures, and other proactive steps to minimize the risk of mechanics’ lien disputes.
    • Compliance guidance: We ensure you follow all applicable legal requirements and deadlines to maintain the validity of your claim.

Legal Representation and Advocacy

At Marinaccio Law, we understand the complexities and anxieties surrounding mechanics’ lien issues. Whether you’re a contractor fighting for unpaid work or a property owner facing a wrongful claim, handling the legal landscape can be challenging. That’s why our mechanics’ lien lawyers are here – to serve as your trusted advocate and champion your rights throughout the entire process.


Our approach

  • Aggressive advocacy

    We fight tirelessly for your rights, whether it’s negotiating a favorable settlement, challenging a wrongful claim, or litigating your case in court. We’re not afraid to take on complex legal challenges and advocate for your best interests with unwavering dedication.
  • Fair and efficient solutions

    We believe in finding solutions that are both fair and efficient. We explore all options, including negotiation, mediation, and litigation, to achieve a resolution that meets your needs without unnecessary delays or expenses.
  • Ethical and transparent practices

    We adhere to the highest ethical standards and maintain open communication. You’ll always know where your case stands and have a clear understanding of the legal process and options available.

Local Relevance and Understanding

At Marinaccio Law, we’re not just legal experts; we’re your trusted Glendale partners with an in-depth understanding of the specific laws and procedures governing mechanics’ liens in our city.

Our mechanics’ lien lawyers stay current with all relevant regulations, including:

California State Licensing Board (CSLB) requirements

We understand the licensing rules and obligations contractors must follow in California, ensuring you comply with all regulations and maintain your claim's validity.

California Claim of Lien

We carefully follow the requirements outlined in Cal. Civ. Code §8416(a), ensuring your claim is filed correctly and within the required timeframe.

California Mechanics' Lien Law

Our lawyers possess a deep understanding of the entire California Mechanics' Lien Law, including the details specific to Glendale, allowing us to handle your case strategically and effectively.

Business Formation Process

Mechanics’ lien disputes can arise from various scenarios, each requiring specialized knowledge and tailored strategies. Marinaccio Law’s mechanics’ lien lawyers have extensive experience handling all types of mechanics’ lien issues in Glendale, ensuring you have comprehensive legal support no matter the situation. Here’s a glimpse of how we can help:

Non-Payment Issues

Unpaid invoices: We fight tirelessly to secure the compensation you deserve for completed work, whether you're a contractor, subcontractor, or supplier.

Disputes over contract terms: We review agreements, find differences, and support a fair understanding to ensure you receive the correct payment.

Change orders and additional work: We ensure you receive proper compensation for work beyond the original scope, as per legal guidelines and industry standards.

Filing and Enforcement Challenges

Technical errors: We thoroughly review your lien filing for accuracy and address any technical errors before they impact your claim's validity.

Deadlines and service procedures: We ensure strict adherence to Glendale-specific deadlines and service protocols, safeguarding your legal rights.

Negotiation and mediation: We leverage our negotiation skills to secure payment without litigation, but are prepared to enforce your lien in court if necessary.

Bond Claim Disputes

Eligibility determination: We assess your eligibility to pursue a bond claim when mechanics' liens are unavailable.

Bond claim filing and enforcement: We handle the complex process of filing and enforcing bond claims against surety companies.

Negotiation and litigation: We aggressively pursue fair compensation through negotiation or, if needed, in court proceedings.

Beyond these common scenarios, we are equipped to handle various other mechanics’ lien disputes. Contact Marinaccio Law today to discuss your specific case with our expert mechanics’ lein lawyer.

Mechanics’ Lien Resolution Process

Mechanics’ lien dispute can be exhausting, but understanding the process can empower you to make informed decisions. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the key stages, along with how Marinaccio Law’s experienced mechanics’ lien lawyers guide you through each:
  • Initial Assessment We listen to your concerns, assess your situation by analyzing contracts and legal aspects, and then explain your options, such as negotiation, mediation, litigation, or bond claims, based on your specific circumstances.
  • Taking Action
    • Drafting and filing: If pursuing a lien, we carefully draft and file your claim according to Glendale-specific regulations and deadlines.
    • Negotiation and mediation: We leverage our negotiation skills and experience to find fair and friendly solutions with other parties involved.
    • Litigation: If necessary, we represent you aggressively in court, presenting your case with clarity and persuasiveness.
  • Achieving Resolution We guide you through the process of enforcing your lien and securing your rightful compensation.

Testimonials and Success Stories

At Marinaccio Law, we’re proud to have helped numerous contractors, subcontractors, and property owners in Glendale deal with the complexities of mechanics’ lien disputes and achieve successful outcomes.

Here are just a few stories:

Marinaccio Law's dedication and expertise truly shine in their wrongful eviction cases. With compassionate advocacy and strategic legal guidance, they safeguard tenants' rights and achieve positive outcomes. Clients commend their professionalism and unwavering support during challenging times

Service Areas

Marinaccio Law is dedicated to helping builders, contractors, subcontractors, and families in Glendale, California, and surrounding areas navigate the complexities of mechanics’ lien.

Our service areas include:

  • Los Angeles County: We proudly serve clients throughout Los Angeles County, including Pasadena, Burbank, Alhambra, and surrounding communities.
  • Riverside County: From Corona and Riverside to Moreno Valley and beyond, we offer comprehensive estate planning services to families across Riverside County.
  • San Bernardino County: Whether you reside in Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, or Fontana, our attorneys are here to guide you through the estate planning process with expertise tailored to San Bernardino County.

Beyond these core areas, we welcome clients from across California who seek personalized mechanic’s lien solutions. Our team understands the regulations of California estate law and strives to provide seamless service regardless of your location within the state.

Schedule a Consultation

Marinaccio Law provides support for contractors seeking payment, subcontractors facing lien claims, and property owners in disputes. Our mechanics’ lien lawyers advocate for your rights and diligently pursue resolutions that safeguard your financial interests.

Reach out today for advocacy and fair compensation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In California, those who can file a mechanics lien include main contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers, equipment lessors, laborers, and design professionals. It’s important to note that design professionals, like architects and engineers, can only exercise lien rights if they have a written contract directly with the property owner.

In California, you usually don’t need a written contract to file a mechanics lien, except for design professionals who must have one with the property owner.

No, in California, if a contractor is unlicensed and the work requires a license, they cannot file a mechanics lien and also have no legal right to get payment under the contract.

For direct contractors, like general contractors who have a contract with the property owner, they must file a Claim of Lien within either 90 days of completing the project or 60 days after the owner records a Notice of Completion or Cessation, whichever comes first.

For anyone hired by someone other than the property owner (like subcontractors, suppliers, etc.), the Claim of Lien must be filed within either 90 days of finishing the job or 30 days after the owner records a Notice of Completion or Cessation, whichever happens first. It’s important to note that sub-tier claimants can only file a mechanics lien after they have stopped their work.

To file a California mechanics lien, you need to submit the necessary documents to the county recorder’s office. It must be recorded in the county where the project is located. However, each county has its own specific rules and requirements therefore it is best to consult a mechanic’s lien lawyer.