Selecting the Right Trustee

A typical misconception about estate planning is that people who are considered older should be concerned with them and that there is always time to go and create a will or trust. The problem with that thought process is that estate plans are much more than the passing of assets to another person. Estate plans […]

Estate Planning is Not Just About Estate Taxes

MSNBC recently wrote about the wealthy not creating estate plans because many of their estates fall under the estate tax exemption. In 2015, the estate tax exemption is $5,430,000 per person (meaning $10,860,000 per couple). Prior to the 2000s, estate planning was focused on estate taxes; however, with the higher exemption limits, most families will […]

Dying without a Will in California

If a resident of California passes away without having an executing a will or revocable living trust, California has an entire set of laws in the Probate Code, known as “intestacy” to determine who will get your estate. The intestate laws have a series of questions to be answered do determine who can inherit the […]

Using Joint Tenancy as an Estate Planning Tool

I often hear from clients and potential clients that they want to add a relative’s name to a piece of real estate as “joint tenants” in order to avoid probate. Although this is probably the cheapest estate planning tool you can do in the short term, it is the least favorable for most circumstances for […]

Estate Planning for Childless Couples

The Wall Street Journal recently had an article entitled “Estate Planning for Childless Couples” that emphasizes the importance of different estate planning tools for your personal situation. I often tell people who do not have children that estate planning may have even more important repercussions for them than people with children because if you die […]

6 Estate Planning Moves You Should Make in Your 30s

Daily Finance has an interesting article for estate planning that should be addressed in your 30s. Estate planning is often equated with older people; however, there can be some estate planning moves that you can make as you are younger that might make sense. In addition to having a will, a revocable living trust, a […]

Estate Planning for Young Families

Many couples with young children or those without children yet do not think estate planning is for them. Estate planning is often associated with old people or those with large estates. However, estate planning is important for young families just as it is for older people and those with lots of assets. Unfortunately, even a […]

Memorial Day Weekend Discounts

For Memorial Day, Marinaccio Law is offering a 10% discount on all estate planning services for current U.S. military, U.S. military veterans, and law enforcement. Marinaccio Law offers a variety of services for estate planning, including drafting revocable living trusts, wills, advanced healthcare directives, and powers of attorney. This discount is good through May 30, […]

Important Estate Planning Questions for Spouses has an interesting article entitled 3 Important Estate Planning Questions which provides three questions that are important for all spouses to discuss when drafting an estate plan. The first question, “How well does my spouse know our financial advisor?” is a good question to discuss how both spouses should know their “estate planning” team. Although the […]

Why Hiring an Attorney Can Save You Money on Your Estate Plan

Forbes has an interesting article, Careful, Thoughtful Drafting Essential in Estate Planning. It provides an interesting glimpse into do-it-yourself estate plans with the advice of an attorney. In California, a person can draft their own will in their own handwriting and can even draft a “statutory will” that is a fill-in-the blanks will (there are certain rules […]