City of Burbank Tenant Protection
On July 30, 2024, the city of Burbank passed an ordinance amending Chapter 4 of Title 5 by increasing relocation assistance for all no-fault just cause evictions. The amendment also added extra protection against landlord retaliation. No-Fault Just Cause Evictions and Relocation Assistance These types of evictions are exactly what the name implies. It is […]
AB2347 Extends the Time Tenant’s Have to File an Answer
AB2347 Extends the Time Tenant’s Have to File an Answer In September of 2024, California Assembly Bill 2347 (AB2347) passed, introducing important changes to the timeline for tenants facing eviction proceedings. AB 2347 addressed the issue of the response time once a defendant is served with a summons in an unlawful detainer (eviction) lawsuit. Prior […]
Glendale Owner Occupancy Eviction
The city of Glendale gives Landlords the option to recover possession of their property if they are seeking in good faith to use the rental unit for occupancy by either a resident manager, the Landlord themselves (including spouse, grandparents, brothers, sisters, in laws, children or parents).It is important to note that the unit MUST be […]
City of Burbank Substantial Remodel
The city of Burbank is often called the “Media Capital of the World” because it is home to some of the most iconic media companies, including major Hollywood studios like Warner Bros., Disney, and NBC. In many cities, including Burbank, CA, where housing markets are tightly tied to industry demand (like media and entertainment), a […]
Your Guide to Finding a Top Commercial Lease Attorney Los Angeles CA
Usually, business owners rely on the advice of their in-house counsel, brokers, or managers for signing a commercial lease. Although their insights are of great importance but they can never replace the expertise of a commercial lease attorney. However, finding a good commercial lease attorney Los Angeles whom you can trust and who can protect […]
What Kind Of Attorney Do I Need To Start a Business?
Starting our own business can be a very emotional and exciting experience, but this process can also be very tiring especially while handling the legal matters of business formation. Most business owners don’t consider hiring a lawyer, thinking that lawyers are only required in case of a lawsuit or if you are handling a big […]
COVID-19 Renters Protection Ends on January 31, 2023: Essential Information for Renters and Landlords
The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges, prompting cities like Los Angeles to implement emergency measures to protect renters. On March 15, 2020, former Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti issued a temporary moratorium on evictions for tenants struggling to pay rent due to pandemic-related hardships. Later, the COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act – SB91 (Act) was signed […]
Owner Occupancy Evictions in City of Los Angeles under LARSO and Just Case Ordinance
In the City of Los Angeles, the Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) & Just CauseOrdinance (JCO) gives landlords the right to, in good faith, recover possession of arental unit for their own primary use. This right also extends to the landlord’s spouse,grandchildren, children, parents or grandparents or resident manager. What is an Owner Move No-Fault Eviction? […]
Pasadena’s Measure H: Understanding No Fault Evictions
Pasadena passed Resolution No. 9970 on December 22, 2022, certifying that votersapproved the Pasadena Charter Amendment Initiative Petition Measure Imposing RentControl, also known as Measure H. Measure H prevents landlords from raising rentsunreasonably and evicting residents without reasonable cause. If you’re a landlord, youmust understand how to navigate this measure with tenants when reviewing rentalcontracts. A landlord-tenant […]
Los Angeles Mansion Tax
An additional transfer tax on real estate sales of $5 million or more recently went into effect in Los Angeles, California. Adopted by residents in November 2022, Measure ULA was signed into law on January 1 and became effective on April 1, 2023. While commonly called the “Mansion Tax,” this measure affects commercial, residential, and […]