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City of Burbank Tenant Protection

City of Burbank Tenant Protection

On July 30, 2024, the city of Burbank passed an ordinance amending Chapter 4 of Title 5 by increasing relocation assistance for all no-fault just cause evictions. The amendment also added extra protection against landlord retaliation.

No-Fault Just Cause Evictions and Relocation Assistance

These types of evictions are exactly what the name implies. It is an eviction that occurs through no fault of the tenant. They include owner occupancy, substantial remodel, and government orders to comply to name a few.

No-Fault Just Cause Evictions also require Landlords to pay the effected Tenant’s relocation assistance to help them find a new place to live. According to the 2019 Tenant Protection Act, Tenant’s relocation assistance amount should be equal to 1 month’s rent. The city of Burbank’s Tenant Protection Ordinance enhances the 2019 Tenant Protection Act, by requiring Landlord’s to pay Tenant’s no less than 3 months of rent.

How Marinaccio Law Can Help

If you are a landlord who needs assistance with the Burbank Tenant Protection Ordinance, work with a real estate attorney from Marinaccio Law. We can represent you for the evictions in the city of Los Angeles and its surrounding areas. Contact us to schedule a consultation for your case at Tel: 818-740-7657.

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